Our teachers are State-licensed and committed to the children under their care and their families. In addition to state-mandated accreditation, we are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Education Association (ELEA), which helps us provide your child with a higher quality education through access to their unique resources, workshops and conferences. The staff attends state-mandated workshops and training.
An on-site infirmary room is available. The staff is certified in CPR and first aid. Teachers maintain contact with parents through personal phone calls, conferences, and emails (click on red text).
School Principal and Head Teacher
Alex Cavaliere
Nursery School Office Manager
Susan Conrad
Teacher Assistants
Stephanie Carnevale, Ashley Chaffiotte, Nicole Conway
Renee Froonjian, Rita Jones, Sheryl Ljubicich
Lunch Bunch: Nicole Giaccio - Supervisor
Ashley Chaffiotte, Sheryl Ljubicich
Happy Times Teacher
Kathleen Corrubia
Happy Times Assistant
Janine Hanikeh
Music Teacher
Claudette Peterson Kline
Board of Education
Kalina Pena, Julie Worgul - Chairpersons
Nicole Hazarian, Robin McConnell, Lydia Roessler