Preschool: Teaching children how to "Make Love Grow" since 1971! Click here to register and apply today.
Sunday School: We have an all-ages Sunday school on the first and third Sunday of each month, September to mid June. Sunday School takes place during worship. The children will hear a Children’s Message at the start of worship and be dismissed to be taught by our volunteer Sunday School teachers. The lessons are based on the scriptures being read that morning so parents and children hear a similar message. Lessons will include songs, bible read , and crafts. The children will return for communion/blessing. All children are welcome!
Devotions Group: Take a half hour break from the tasks of the day with devotions at noon, hosted by Pastor Miller on most Wednesdays and Thursdays, on Zoom. We read a passage from the Bible, a devotion reflection, discuss whatever comes to our hearts and end with prayer.
Communion and Confirmation Instruction: Contact Pastor Paul Miller by phone (845) 234-1223 or email for more information.
Growing in Faith: The diakonia Program Church of the Savior was a host site for Year B 2020-2021 of this two year program. Contact Pastor Miller by phone (845) 234-1223 or email for more information regarding current and future offerings.